Sketches of Maxwell and Ellie
A collection of drawings and etchings showing Fiona's grand children Maxwell and Ellie.
Like all youngsters when not sleeping they're a bundle of energy...making it a real challenge when trying to sketch them. I am very pleased with these quick line drawings, hopefully capturing some of their magical charm.
Like all youngsters when not sleeping they're a bundle of energy...making it a real challenge when trying to sketch them. I am very pleased with these quick line drawings, hopefully capturing some of their magical charm.

'Maxwell pushing the wheelbarrow'

'Maxwell makes lunch'

'Maxwell trying out his new Dyson'

'Feeling shy'

'Maxwell gets to grips with his new Dyson'

'Maxwell playing with his train'

'Maxwell playing with his cars'

'Maxwell repairing his Dyson'

'Little gardener'

'Maxwell busy at his work-bench'

'Favourite stories'

'Ellie the beach babe'